Street fashion, as the name implies, is not a style that was born for the catwalk or for the red carpet. This style arose from the base and was finally adopted in the usual way. Street fashion refers to a style that is synonymous with comfort and personality. It covers everything that can really be used when it goes beyond the comfort and comfort of a studio and runway. This style can be presented in an elegant form, or in a bohemian form, or in the form of a grunge; anything can go into winter street fashion if it is portable on the streets. Sports dresses or bikinis will not be included in this style, because you really cannot imagine it, all the more so when you are on the street, where you need to rush and cross the road.
Street fashion is closely connected with young people, because it is they who violate traditions and create new landmarks.
This กางเกงยีนส์ทรงบอย style did not originate in urban centers, but the dominant fashion adopted them only after they became popular in urban centers, which is why urban centers are also considered the birthplace of street fashion. The street style was greatly influenced by the rural style. Now ubiquitous jeans were worn mainly by farmers in rural areas because of their durability. Breach of agreements here means that you need to close your eyes and ignore all fashionable opinions and interpret trends on their own terms. It’s about how you want to get dressed. Therefore, there can be no constant trends. Instead, they are random.
How have people already accepted this? It is a style that gives space to various cultures, their creativity and their vision. It is thanks to this style that the past has revived, and cultures have remained in the mainstream. Different interpretations of this style are associated with different cliques to which young people belong. Floral and light fabric clothing is usually associated with hippies and bohemians. This clique tries to lead a natural life, and his clothes prove it.